Saturday, December 29, 2007

I will have something worth posting in 2008. Have to get through the weekend at work. The mild temperatures have made the holiday season much less irritating.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

to live deliberately
and do the chicago promenade

[almost done with exams]

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Property Tax

The problem with the industry is simple: we treat music like real estate. It is a package deal complete with property rights, sales agents, mortgage lenders, appraisers, foreclosures, auctions, and demolitions. Except in music, there are no property taxes, which means the product is not appreciating in value. There are licensing and performance fees, but those are not comparable. Music is not a necessity. It is a luxury. There may be factors that influence its progression, like the advancement in technology, but predictions on how listeners and the industry are going to react cannot be made. It is not a housing market. Music is an art and art is a subjective matter. Nothing will change for the better until music is treated like a valuable.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Almost, it's almost over- the exams, papers, projects, stress.

I have a twenty page paper due on Monday, worth fifty percent of my grade. It's about the music industry and my role, what I plan to do after graduation, the current condition, the past, the future, and everything in between. It's coming together, slowly, but steadily. Through this semester, and my continuum as music director, I have come to this conclusion:

No matter what- fill in whatever necessary to define the what- it will always be about the music.

The sound, the feel, the tone, rhythm, lyrics [or absence of], pitch, crescendos, fades, beats- its music and its why I do it. I do it because I love music.

And just because everyone is doing their best of 2007 lists, here is my most anticipated album of 2008.

Okay, so I've already listened to it- Thanks Yep Roc Records.