Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Subscribe to my twitter here,

and for the original tweeting, here is a Disney Classic*

*by Classic, I mean a copyrighted-till-the world ends-video clip of the 1947 Academy Award Winner for "Best Song," which was never released in its entirety on home video in the USA due to a controversy that argued it to be racist.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"This Too Shall Pass," by Danny Schmidt from Austin, Texas.

I was unable to catch his show during SXSW and I am regretting the missed opportunity. This song is stuck in my head. It requires three listens-- the first to be mesmerized, the second to hear all the layers, and the third to realize that the lyrics are an extended metaphor of cancer.

SXSW09 pics arriving, finally.

Follow this here link, for photos of local NC bands at SXSW. More are on the way.

Adorned with the North Carolina flag,
Daniel Hart of Physics of Meaning
packs away his violin after a show
at Friend Island for a Hometapes party.

Next to Chip Robinson's merch table, Van Alston
spells out the best way to support NC bands at SXSW
[photos of Chip's show soon to come on the Picasa site]