Sunday, March 06, 2011

Thank you, Stephen Fry.

Friday, February 11, 2011

At the end of the night everyone wants to go somewhere they call home

It's eleven minutes past three in the morning and the credits begin to roll. He stumbles up the block, back towards the bar he left a half hour ago. Exhausted and drunk, he's almost given up looking for where his roommate left his car. His hair is down and the rubber band now around his thin wrist. It will remain there till morning. He places his hand against the brick wall and crosses his feet. A tangled piece of hair falls in his face and his tall, lanky figure completes a triangle that is the building-- sidewalk-- and his body. The wind is blowing through his white t-shirt that is littered with vintage-worn holes. The tops of his feet are exposed, framed by his black loafers. All of the energy that is him. The seven out of ten fingers with rings. The thin beautiful face that looks as though Andy Warhol sculpted it himself. The tarnished silver and turquoise necklace. The smile that lights the party. The person that is the party. All of this is on hold. He's become just like everyone else because it's the end of the night and everyone just wants to go home.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

From the "Create or Else" series

"Quality is king. Substance matters. we live in a terrible celebretized culture where the major labor product of the last 30 years came at it with, 'what can I market let's just throw this crap out there and make it stick.' To me an artist is someone who really wants to move someone else and wants to express what's in his or her heart. Once you divorce that from what you're actually putting out in public then you're really just a whore." Jack Rabid

Friday, February 04, 2011

"Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists - with it all things are possible."

~Ida Tarbell

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nick Cave, I adore you