Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let the summer of sound begin.

On my first assignment as an intern for WUNC I found myself in downtown Raleigh, my stomping ground. I work, play, and live in downtown Raleigh. I know the area well, but what I didn't stop to notice until I had a microphone in my hand and headphones on my ears, is what downtown sounds like. I knew I wanted to make this summer one of sound, recordings, experimenting and having fun but I didn't realize how rich and promising my downtown backyard would be. This is is a clip I was able to capture with a not-so-great mic so there are a few glitches, but the beauty shines through. It gives you a few minutes of the music of downtown Raleigh, specifically Dave Bullock. This recording has inspired me to work on a larger piece that presents the many street musicians in downtown, their stories, and their music.

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