Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I don't want to give up my creative writing degree, but if the money isn't there for the bill from N.C. State then I can't pursue what I really want to do.

I am so fucking fed up with this lame ass excuse for a public education system, and health care for that matter.

If you are poor they give your money for school/healthcare to earn a degree/go to doctor. If you're not poor, but middle class, your are stuck--- stuck with student loan debt straight out of college/with no healthcare.

I know that I've ranted about this before, but I can't help it. It is something that dictates my education, and life, so strongly that I can't not write about it.

I don't want to graduate with only a chemistry degree. I want my creative writing degree, I want an unpaid internship at NPR this summer, I want to follow my passion.

Its always about the money. Because it is. You can't do much of shit in this society with out money.


Anonymous said...

yeah money is why the big shopping center put the independent produce stand out of business. money is why i can't sleep at night. money is why the politicians and drug dealers run craven county.

fuck money.

wanna move to sweden with me?

Kelly Reid said...

Yes, I will move to Sweden, but only if I can start a pirate radio station- on a ship.

Anonymous said...

i see no reason why a pirate radio station on a ship wouldn't be possible. can i have my own classic rock show if i promise not to play stairway or free bird?